Consulting With Your Eye Care Professional About Latisse® Eye Drops: What to Expect

Consulting With Your Eye Care Professional About Latisse® Eye Drops: What to Expect

Consulting With Your Eye Care Professional About Latisse® Eye Drops: What to Expect

Consulting With Your Eye Care Professional About Latisse® Eye Drops: What to Expect

Consulting With Your Eye Care Professional About Latisse® Eye Drops: What to Expect

Latisse® is an FDA-approved treatment for growing eyelashes. It is ideal for individuals who have lost eyelashes due to chemotherapy, alopecia, or other reasons. The treatment also provides cosmetic benefits for people without medical conditions. You can benefit from the treatment if you want longer, thicker lashes.

Latisse Eye Drops


Studies show that Latisse helps grow lashes in most individuals. Its active ingredient—bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03%—was originally used to reduce intraocular pressure.

Glaucoma patients using the drops were among the first to notice Latisse leading to the growth of longer lashes. It led to an interest in the product for increasing eyelash length, thickness, and darkness.

Proper Latisse Application


For best results, you must ensure the proper application of Latisse. Apply the eye drops at night after removing all eye makeup and cleaning your lashes. Remember to remove your contacts before applying the drops.

Use a sterile applicator brush to brush one drop of the solution on the upper eyelid margin carefully and gently. Use a tissue to blot away excess fluid, but do not rub your eyes or rinse them after application. Do not apply the solution to the lower lids. Throw away the applicators after a single use.

Consult Your Eye Care Professional


Note that not everyone can use Latisse eye drops. It may be safe for many, but some may be allergic to the ingredients. It is a medication, so a doctor must prescribe the product. You must learn to use it properly; if you are sensitive or allergic to the ingredients, avoid the product.

Discontinue use if you experience itchiness or eye redness. Pregnant or nursing mothers should not use Latisse eye drops. Children with eyelashes lost to cancer treatments or alopecia can use the eye drops under supervision.

Results of Latisse Treatment


It is vital to remember that eye drops are not mascara for making lashes look thicker or longer. The medication causes eyelashes to grow. The process takes time, so you need to be diligent and patient.

Apply the product daily for about 16 weeks before you see full results. Do not apply the product more than once a day. Extra applications will not speed up the process. You can expect to see results after 30 to 60 days. Lashes grow and fall out as part of the natural cycle. Avoid using Latisse where you do not want hair growth.

Side Effects of Latisse Eye Drops


Latisse is safe and effective, but some people experience eye irritation. If the product gets into your eye, do not worry too much—after all, the original formulation was for use in the eyes. Some side effects include:

  • Hair growth in unwanted areas

  • Brown pigmentation in the iris

  • Darkening of the eyelid skin

It is essential to consult your eye care doctor before using Latisse eye drops. Continue using Latisse eye drops regularly for as long as you want lengthy, thick lashes. It helps stimulate hair growth during the growth stage. If you stop using the product, the growth will stop.

For more on Latisse eye drops, visit Vision Concept at our Houston, Texas, office. Call (281) 688-6400 to schedule an appointment today.

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